Park Board

The Park Board is a five-member advisory Board appointed by the City Council to serve staggered three-year terms.  The Park Board meets monthly during the spring, summer, and fall months, and on an as-needed basis for the remainder of the year.  Meetings are held at Long Lake City Hall.  This body has the following scope of responsibility in making recommendations to the Long Lake City Council:

  • Advise the City Council as to the control, development, management, operation, and maintenance of a system of parks, trails, and recreation areas now in existence or that may be acquired by the City in the future.
  • Make recommendations to the City Council concerning property acquisitions needed or desired to complete a comprehensive parks and recreation system in the City.
  • Make recommendations for park and trail improvement projects and provide estimates of the funds required for projects each fiscal year on a timely basis.
  • Proffer regular or special advisory reports to the City Council as deemed advisable or as may be requested by the Council.


Name Position & Term Phone Number
Donny Chillstrom      Member, Term Expires 12/2026      612-710-0569
Suzanne Caswell Chair, Term Expires 12/2024  
Thomas Joyce Member, Term Expires 12/2025       
Anthony David Member, Term Expires 12/2025  
Erika Leachman Secretary, Term Expires 12/2025