Spring Curbside Leaf Pickup for Residents

Weekly on Tuesday All day for 2 times
Spring Leaf Pickup Image

The City's licensed garbage haulers annually provide Spring curbside leaf pickup dates along their regular route at no cost to residents.  Your garbage haulers will pick up bagged leaves and yard waste (no brush, lawn rakings only) on Tuesday, 5/7 and Tuesday, 5/14.  State law requires that leaves and lawn rakings are bagged in compostable bags only.  Residents participating in these curbside leaf pickup dates will need to set out their compostable bags for pickup early in the morning on those days.

If your pickup is missed, please call your garbage hauler.

Curbside Waste:  Phone / 763-504-2872
Republic Services:  Phone / 763-972-3335
Waste Management:  Phone / 952-890-1100